SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Falling in Love with the Rehabilitation Treatment Specification System: A Reluctant Researcher’s Journey
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Falling in Love with the Rehabilitation Treatment Specification System: A Reluctant Researcher’s Journey S14
Location: ROOM: Cortez D REGION: Tower Lobby Level >>> DIRECTIONS: From ACRM Registration desk, face the elephants and turn right. Proceed past the lobby elevators and turn right to enter the West Wing. Proceed down the corridor, turn right and then left. Proceed past the restrooms to the end of the hall and turn right. Cortez D is the last room on the left.
Rehabilitation Treatment Specification SystemClinical Practice
Friday, November 1, 2024
8:15 AM – 9:15 AM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Beyond the Performance Years: A Critical Appraisal of the Retired Soccer Player
8:15 AM – 9:15 AM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Beyond the Performance Years: A Critical Appraisal of the Retired Soccer Player S1
Location: ROOM: Rosetta REGION: Atrium II Mezzanine Level >>> DIRECTIONS: Exit Atrium Elevators. Take a right and proceed down the corridor. Continue past the escalators and the row of rooms on your left. At the end of the row of rooms, turn down the corridor on the right. Rosetta is the last room on the left. If coming from the Tower Mezzanine, from the Tower Elevators, turn right. Proceed down the stairs and take the first corridor on your left. Rosetta is the last room on the left.
Athlete Development & Sports RehabilitationCardiopulmonary RehabilitationLifestyle Medicine
8:15 AM – 9:15 AM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Military Blast Exposure – State of the Science and Implications for Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation
8:15 AM – 9:15 AM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Military Blast Exposure – State of the Science and Implications for Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation S7
Location: ROOM: Monet REGION: Tower Mezzanine Level >>> DIRECTIONS: Exit Tower elevators on Mezzanine level. Proceed straight ahead, past the skylight. Monet is the straight ahead.
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Making an Impact: Tips on Conducting and Disseminating Policy-relevant Research
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Making an Impact: Tips on Conducting and Disseminating Policy-relevant Research S5
Location: ROOM: Obelisk B REGION: Atrium II Mezzanine Level >>>DIRECTIONS: Exit Atrium Elevators. Take a right and proceed down the corridor. Continue past the escalators and the row of rooms on your left. At the end of the row of rooms, turn down the corridor on the right. Obelisk B is the second room on the left. If coming from the Tower Mezzanine, from the Tower Elevators, turn right. Proceed down the stairs and take the first corridor on your left. Obelisk B is the second room on the left.
Health Services ResearchAging Research & Geriatric RehabilitationBig DataDiversity, Equity and InclusionMeasurement
4:15 PM – 5:15 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: There’s a New Technology to Help Your Patients with Chronic Stroke. Why Aren’t You Using It?
4:15 PM – 5:15 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: There’s a New Technology to Help Your Patients with Chronic Stroke. Why Aren’t You Using It? S10
Location: ROOM: De La Salle REGION: Tower Lobby Level >>> DIRECTIONS: From ACRM Registration desk, face the elephants and turn right. Proceed past the lobby elevators and turn right to enter the West Wing. Proceed down the corridor and turn right. De La Salle is on the right.
BRUCKER SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Arranging Pretty: Piecing Together Meaningful Clinical/research Relationships - This event is followed by a reception sponsored by CARF International
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
BRUCKER SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Arranging Pretty: Piecing Together Meaningful Clinical/research Relationships - This event is followed by a reception sponsored by CARF International
Location: ROOM: Wedgwood Ballroom REGION: Tower Lobby Level >>> DIRECTIONS: From EXPO Registration desk, face the elephants. Turn right at the elephants and proceed past the Gossip Bar. Turn left and proceed through the Wedgwood Foyer. The Wedgwood Ballroom is on the left.
InternationalCultural CompetencyDiversity, Equity and Inclusion
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Pediatric Award Lectureship: Optimizing Recovery: The Critical Role of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine and Therapies in Acute Care Settings
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Pediatric Award Lectureship: Optimizing Recovery: The Critical Role of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine and Therapies in Acute Care Settings S12
Location: ROOM: De La Salle REGION: Tower Lobby Level >>> DIRECTIONS: From ACRM Registration desk, face the elephants and turn right. Proceed past the lobby elevators and turn right to enter the West Wing. Proceed down the corridor and turn right. De La Salle is on the right.
Pediatric RehabilitationBrain InjuryClinical PracticeEarly Mobilization/Rehabilitation in the Intensive Care UnitSpinal Cord InjuryStroke
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: 8th Annual Women in Rehabilitation Science Symposium
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: 8th Annual Women in Rehabilitation Science Symposium S4
Location: ROOM: De Soto A REGION: Tower Lobby Level >>> DIRECTIONS: From ACRM Registration desk, face the elephants and turn right. Proceed past the lobby elevators and turn right to enter the West Wing. Proceed down the corridor, turn right and then left. De Soto A is the second room on the right.
Diversity, Equity and InclusionBehavioral Health SciencesClinical PracticeEthicsLeadership
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Bridging the Gap Between Capacity and Performance: Behavior Management Components of Constraint-induced Therapy
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Bridging the Gap Between Capacity and Performance: Behavior Management Components of Constraint-induced Therapy S16
Location: ROOM: Governors Lecture Hall REGION: Tower Lobby Level >>> DIRECTIONS: From ACRM Registration desk, face the elephants and turn left. Proceed past the Elephants. Turn left down the corridor. Governors is at the end of the corridor on the right.
StrokeBehavioral Health SciencesBrain InjuryNeurodegenerative DiseaseNeuroplasticity
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Cognitive Effects of Cancer Treatments: Interventions Designed to Improve Functional Cognition and Quality of Life
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Cognitive Effects of Cancer Treatments: Interventions Designed to Improve Functional Cognition and Quality of Life S3
Location: ROOM: Coronado D REGION: Tower Lobby Level >>> DIRECTIONS: From ACRM Registration desk, face the elephants and turn right. Proceed past the lobby elevators and turn right to enter the West Wing. Proceed down the corridor, turn right and then left. Proceed past the restrooms. Coronado D is the first room on the right.
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: What Did Mr. Rogers Know About Brain Injury? The Effects of Neighborhood on TBI Outcomes
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: What Did Mr. Rogers Know About Brain Injury? The Effects of Neighborhood on TBI Outcomes S2
Location: ROOM: Coronado B REGION: Tower Lobby Level >>> DIRECTIONS: From ACRM Registration desk, face the elephants and turn right. Proceed past the lobby elevators and turn right to enter the West Wing. Proceed down the corridor, turn right and then left. Proceed past the restrooms. Coronado B is the third room on the right.
Presenter: John D. Corrigan, PhD – Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation The Ohio State University
Brain InjuryDiversity, Equity and InclusionMeasurement
Sunday, November 3, 2024
8:15 AM – 9:15 AM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Targeting Neuroplasticity After Spinal Cord Injury
8:15 AM – 9:15 AM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Targeting Neuroplasticity After Spinal Cord Injury S15
Location: ROOM: Cortez B REGION: Tower Lobby Level >>> DIRECTIONS: From ACRM Registration desk, face the elephants and turn right. Proceed past the lobby elevators and turn right to enter the West Wing. Proceed down the corridor, turn right and then left. Proceed past the restrooms to the end of the hall and turn right. Proceed down the corridor on the left. Cortez B is the last room on the left.
Corresponding Presenter: Dimitry Sayenko – Houston Methodist Hospital / Research Institute
Spinal Cord InjuryNeuroplasticity
12:45 PM – 1:45 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: The Psychology of Recovery: How to Identify and Incorporate Psychological Factors into the Plan of Care
12:45 PM – 1:45 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: The Psychology of Recovery: How to Identify and Incorporate Psychological Factors into the Plan of Care S11
Location: ROOM: Topaz REGION: Tower Lobby Level >>> DIRECTIONS: From ACRM Registration desk, face the elephants and turn left. The Topaz is the first room on the left, across from the Elephants.
Pain RehabilitationNeuroplasticityCaregiver NeedsTraumaDiversity, Equity and Inclusion
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: “Get up Offa That Thing, and Dance ‘til You Feel Better!” the Why and How of Encouraging Dance for People with Parkinson Disease
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: “get up Offa That Thing, and Dance ‘til You Feel Better!” the Why and How of Encouraging Dance for People with Parkinson Disease S9
Location: ROOM: Miro REGION: Tower Mezzanine Level >>> DIRECTIONS: Exit Tower elevators on Mezzanine level. Proceed straight ahead, past the skylight. Miro is the second room to the left.