PLENARY III: Coulter Award Lectureship — Promoting Rehabilitation as an Essential Health Service Integral to Universal Health Coverage — WHO Rehabilitation 2030 Initiative 0632
Saturday, November 2, 2024
12:45 PM – 2:15 PM
Location: ROOM: Chantilly Ballroom/Plenaries REGION: Tower Lobby Level >>> DIRECTIONS: From the ACRM Registration desk, proceed towards the elephants. Go past the elephants and the Chantilly Ballroom is through the foyer.
Unit Head at the World Health Organization World Health Organization Geneva, Geneve, Switzerland
The World Health Assembly endorsed a historic resolution on strengthening rehabilitation in health systems in Mai 2023. Why is this resolution a big deal for rehabilitation professionals from around the world? This presentation by Dr Cieza will concentrate on answering this question and in introducing the Rehabilitation 2030 initiative which draws attention to the profound unmet need for rehabilitation worldwide, and highlights that:
Rehabilitation should be available for all the population and through all stages of the life course. Efforts to strengthen rehabilitation should be directed towards supporting the health system as a whole and integrating rehabilitation into all levels of health care, specially in primary care. Rehabilitation is an essential health service and crucial for achieving universal health coverage.
With ageing populations, and an increase in the number of people living with chronic disease, rehabilitation is a priority health strategy for the 21st century that uniquely contributes to optimizing the functioning of the population.