Functional MRI Evaluation of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Effect on Hand Motor Recovery in a Chronic Post-stroke Patient 4356
Saturday, November 2, 2024
3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Location: ROOM: Manchester REGION: Tower Mezzanine Level >>> DIRECTIONS: Exit Tower elevators on Mezzanine level. Turn left before the skylight. Manchester is the second room on the left.
Introduction: Impairments in activities of daily living (ADL) are a major concern in post-stroke rehabilitation. In the current case report, we used both task-based and resting state functional MRI (fMRI) tools to investigate the neural response mechanisms and functional reorganization underlying hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)-induced motor rehabilitation in a chronic post-stroke patient suffering from severe upper-limb motor impairment.
Methods: We studied motor task fMRI activation and resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) in a 61-year-old right-handed male patient who suffered hemiparesis and physical weakness in the right upper limb, 2 years after his acute insult, pre- and post-treatment of 60 daily HBOT sessions.
Conclusion: This study provides additional insights into HBOT-induced brain plasticity and functional improvement in chronic post-stroke patients.
Learning Objectives:
Comprehend the overview of unique HBOT protocol.
Receive an in-depth analysis of what happens to the brain during a stroke and how the HBOT protocol can improve neurocognitive function in post-stroke patients.
Provide hope for stroke survivors who suffer from post-stroke symptoms and impairments that were once thought to be chronic.
Comprehend the overview of unique HBOT protocol.
Amir Hadanny, MD, PhD: Aviv Clinics: Employment (full or part time) (Ongoing), Stockholder/Ownership Interest (excluding diversified mutual funds) (Ongoing); Brain Space: Employment (full or part time) (Ongoing)