Location: ROOM: Coronado B REGION: Tower Lobby Level >>> DIRECTIONS: From ACRM Registration desk, face the elephants and turn right. Proceed past the lobby elevators and turn right to enter the West Wing. Proceed down the corridor, turn right and then left. Proceed past the restrooms. Coronado B is the third room on the right.
This symposium on posttraumatic tinnitus will provide attendees with a critical update examining the pathophysiology, assessment and treatment of this often perplexing symptom thereby increasing awareness of this class of disorders among evaluating clinicians and facilitating patient care and functional outcomes.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course participants will define the myriad potential presentations of posttraumatic tinnitus
Upon completion of this course participants will delineate at least 5 different causes of tinnitus that may be seen following trauma
Upon completion of this course participants will recognize the nature and content of the detailed history that should be taken from a patient with complaints of PT-tinnitus.
Upon completion of this symposium participants will delineate the examinations that may be helpful in identifying the tinnitus symptom generator including audiological testing and physical examination caveats.
Upon completion of this symposium participants will appreciate the various treatment modalities that have been espoused to have potential relevance for modulation of posttraumatic tinnitus complaints including alternative medicine interventions, pharmacotherapeutic approaches and sound therapies as well as /neuromodulation techniques.
Nathan D. Zasler, MD: Concussion care center of Virginia: Employment (full or part time) (Ongoing)