Cancer Rehabilitation Networking Group Research and Outcomes Task Force
Saturday, November 2, 2024
5:15 PM – 6:15 PM
Location: ROOM: Coronado D REGION: Tower Lobby Level >>> DIRECTIONS: From ACRM Registration desk, face the elephants and turn right. Proceed past the lobby elevators and turn right to enter the West Wing. Proceed down the corridor, turn right and then left. Proceed past the restrooms. Coronado D is the first room on the right.
Director of Research ReVital Cancer Rehabilitation, Select Medical Mebane, North Carolina, United States
Join the Cancer Rehab Networking Group, Research and Outcomes Taskforce committee meeting to discuss our latest projects and brainstorm for next year. New members welcome!
Kelley C. Wood, PhD, MS, ACSM-CEP, ACSM/ACS-CET: Select Medical: Employment (full or part time) (Ongoing)