Measurement Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group
Saturday, November 2, 2024
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Location: ROOM: Milan REGION: Tower Mezzanine Level >>> DIRECTIONS: Exit Tower elevators on Mezzanine level. Turn left before the skylight. Milan is the third room on the left.
Measurement ISIG involves multiple task forces working on various projects, such as stakeholder engagement, rehab measures database, equity and inclusivity in measurement, and technological measurement. Join us to get involved in creating manuscripts, presentations, and suggesting new task forces. We look forward to seeing you at our community group meeting.
Learning Objectives:
Describe the goal and mission of the Measurement Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group.
Describe different task forces and activities offered through the Measurement Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group.
Identify the key members and their contacts to participate in different task forces and activities through the Measurement Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group.