Assistant Professor
Rutgers School of Health Professionals
Dr. Natalia Noce received her Doctorate in Occupational Therapy from Washington University in St. Louis and is currently an assistant professor in the Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program at Rutgers University. Current taught courses include 1) Adult Physical Rehabilitation, 2) Upper Extremity Function, Physical Agent Modalities, and Occupational Performance, and 3) Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology. Dr. Noce is a Clinical Specialist at Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation with expertise in the treatment of stroke, spinal cord injury, brain injury, amputee (pre-prosthetic and prosthetic) and orthopedic injuries. During her 11-year employment at Kessler she engaged in initiatives and management of division-wide stroke program teams to ensure advancements in best practice, technology, patient and staff education and the fundamentals of program performance. Dr. Noce continues to work at Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation as a per diem therapist to ensure her clinical skills are maintained and to bridge the education and clinical worlds together for an enriched learning experience. She has published 5 peer reviewed journal articles and presented at dozens of conferences. Her scholarship interests consist of adult physical rehabilitation, technology, spatial neglect, and interprofessional practice.