Author, Professional Speaker, Communications Trainer
Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA)
Leesburg, VA, United States
Kelly Lang, co-author of The Miracle Child: Traumatic Brain Injury and Me is a brain injury survivor and caregiver to her daughter who sustained a traumatic brain injury in 2001. Kelly has been the Keynote speaker at numerous state and national brain injury conferences, the Administration for Community Living Stakeholder Day, and conducted workshops and webinars. She co-leads the Brain Injury Association of America’s Advisory Council and serves on the Virginia Brain Injury Advisory Council. Her advocacy experience includes working with the National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems’ Brain Injury Learning Collaborative and serving as a member of the Traumatic Brain Injury Leadership Group and the Person-Centered Advisory Group. Kelly is also a Communications Trainer with INOVA Health System and an active panelist on the Injury Research Engagement Project (I-REP) Panel and works to partner with trauma researchers as they conceptualize and conduct their research. Kelly and her husband created a website educating others about brain injury. Kelly received her BA from American University and previously worked in the Human Resources field.
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose
Mark Ylvisaker Memorial Lecture Symposium: Seeds of Hope: nurturing Recovery After Pediatric TBI
Sunday, November 3, 2024
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM