Occupational Therapist
Texas Woman's University
Tucson, Arizona, United States
Emily Rich is an occupational therapist practicing in a medical outpatient setting in Tucson, Arizona, serving adolescents and adults with various chronic conditions. She has special interests in treating individuals with Ehlers Danlos syndromes and forms of dysautonomia, such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), and related conditions. She places a high value on patient-partnered, evidenced-based treatment. Emily holds a Ph.D. from Texas Woman’s University where she previously received a Master of Occupational Therapy degree. She lectures on EDS and dysautonomia for medical professionals and community members and has published several manuscripts on these diagnoses. Her current research is primarily focused on POTS in rehabilitation.
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose
Sunday, November 3, 2024
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM