Associate Dean, Professor
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Dorothy Farrar-Edwards, PhD, is Faculty Director of the UW Collaborative Center for Health Equity, Co-Director of the All of Us program at UW, Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, and Professor of Kinesiology and Medicine. She is the Associate Dean of Research for the School of Education. Her multidisciplinary research addresses the effects of aging on functional independence and quality of life. The central goal of her research is to contribute to the understanding of quality of life and well-being in older adults by examining the impact of cognitive and physical impairment on performance of complex activities of everyday life. Her research explores questions of functional performance, caregiver burden, and treatment outcomes in a variety of populations ranging from normal aging to diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and Long COVID. She is particularly interested in the aging process in African Americans. The ultimate aim of these studies is to support the development and implementation of more effective interventions for persons with cognitive loss and their families. Dr. Edwards is also the UW-Co PI for the All of Us Precision Medicine Research Program.