Orthopaedic Surgeon
University of Cincinnati
My global career goal would be the maintenance of the prosperous and active surgical practice, while sustaining a major commitment to translational research in the field of musculoskeletal medicine. I believe these goals to be tailored to the orthopaedic surgeons, like me, who have a special interest in scholarship and research. Through the integration of a major time commitment to research endeavors and a healthy collaboration with other industry I believe it is possible to make inroads in the understanding of how to improve upon the delivery of modern-day physical therapy. I would like my scientific endeavors to continue to focus on the injured patient, novel advances, and technological breakthroughs in the field, and practical solutions to improve compliance with rehabilitation.
My past accomplishments include 85 peer reviewed publications, 8 book chapters, and multiple paper presentations at various specialty society meetings. I am currently serving as Division Director of Sports Medicine, and I serve on National Committees for the AAOS and AOSSM.