Inspiration to Inform Innovative Stroke Prevention Programs for Young Adults 8123
Saturday, November 2, 2024
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Location: ROOM: Sapphire REGION: Tower Lobby Level >>>DIRECTIONS: From ACRM Registration desk, face the elephants and turn left. Proceed past the Elephants. Turn left down the corridor. The Sapphire is the first room on the left.
Equip yourself with information and inspiration to develop stroke prevention messages and programs for young adult stroke survivors. Strokes have increased among young adults but tailored prevention strategies that meet the needs of this population are lacking. Identify ways to attract, engage, and empower young stroke survivors through interdisciplinary inquiry, observation, and collaboration. Learn how the Stroke Counseling for Risk Reduction (SCORRE) intervention was developed and how it increases awareness of stroke and promotes healthy lifestyle behaviors to reduce stroke risk in young African American adults.
Learning Objectives:
Describe the unique challenges and risk factors associated with stroke in young adults.
Explore tailored interventions, such as the Stroke Counseling for Risk Reduction (SCORRE) intervention, and assess their potential effectiveness in engaging individuals to lower their risk of stroke.
Identify the future of stroke rehabilitation with examples of how precision medicine, technology, and family engagement can facilitate prevention efforts.
Dawn M. Aycock, PhD, RN, ANP-BC: No financial relationships to disclose